Wednesday, April 15, 2020


This DLO shows you what the animal mascots in WW1 and what day did to help the soldiers remind them of home . Reading this story about the mascots made my day and what day . It was fun looking at the images and information it was cool making this DLO about the mascots and learning facts and information that i didn't new before.


  1. Malo Lele Afa

    Your DlO is really interesting and fun to read about also good job on giving the person who took the photo credit. I now understand what is a mascots and why did the solider have mascots.
    Next time who should put facts about Mascots.

    What did you learn?

    Amazing Work Afa!

  2. Hello Afa!

    This was so interesting to learn about! I read about a mascot used in the Polish Army once, they had a bear cub they name Wojtek that grew up to be a big bear they took with them throughout WW2. This bear was even given medals for his bravery after the war! It makes me wonder though, if the bear really should have been with the humans. I think the dogs you found made better mascots!
