Sunday, February 28, 2021

Cultural Art/Distance Learning

LI: To create a piece of cultural art 

 Inspired by art creations by Raku Inoue we went outside and collected leaves, twigs, and other plant debris to create our own cultural pattern or symbol. Then I was thinking about what I'm going to make  with the leaves and twigs I got,then I got an idea of making a butterfly. For this butterfly I used 4 leaf’s, 2 medium size leaf’s and 2 small size leaf’s. I then added the medium size leaf on the top of the twigs I got and the small size leaf on the bottom bit of the medium size leaf. Then i got  a medium twig and i put the it under the 4 leaf’s and then i got a small twig and i broken it into 2 twigs the i put the 2 twigs that i broken off from the small twig on top of the medium twig and that's how i got a butterfly. I found It quite hard to do this activity because It took me a long time to decide on what I was going to make. I enjoyed this activity because there were so many ideas to use to make an animal with the twigs and leaves . An interesting fact I found out about Raku Inoue is that you can be so creative with what you are making. This activity was fun and cool. 



 LI: To create a DLO that tells others about tatau.

Today I made a DLO about tattooing in my culture. The first thing I did was I used my smart searching skills to find out what the Tongan traditional tattoo looks like,what it means, and what It's called. I then found out that the Tongan tattoo is called the tatau And that the tatau represented the Tongan people's loyalty and love to their family and the new responsibilities they had to support. I also found out that the Tongan tatatau is a representation of Tongan society and the journey of the  Tongan people’s past, present and future. I found it quite hard to do this because I didn't know that much about the Tongan tattoos. I enjoyed doing this activity because  I got to learn new things about the Tongan tatau. An interesting fact I found out about the tatatau Is that  how the tatatau represented the Tongan people's loyalty and love to their family and the new responsibilities they had to support this activity was fun and cool. I hope we get to do another activity like this in the future.

Thursday, February 25, 2021


 LI:To learn how to make a angle with wood.

Today was the first day of tech for the year 7&8. The year 7 had food tech and the year 8 had wood work.
For wood work we were talking with our wood work teacher about how we use the tools. Then we went to our seats and he was talking to us about the rules in his class ans the rules were not to fiddle with the equipment. Then we were talking about what we are going make with our wood. After that we all got a paper to draw what we want to make with the wood. Then Mr Grundy  our wood work teacher told us that when we are drawing what we are going to make to make sure that there is a angle in what we are drawing. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Kapa Haka Trip

 LI:  To learn the teachings of our tupuna (ancestors) and the history of New Zealand's native people and their land.

This week on Wednesday the boys from LS2 went on a trip to the Auckland Museum  to learn about our Tupuna\Ancestors. to start it off We met in the hall,and watched the museum video,then we  talked about the challenge for the day. The challenge was to search for the answers of 6 questions. Throughout the day, we added extra questions. Those that met the challenge and answered all 10 questions correctly get a prize. All the answers to these questions were in the talkings. 

The first challenge was to answer the 6 questions which where what is the mountain the the Auckland Museum is on,what is the Auckland Museum name in maori, what was the names of the two long weapons and two short weapons that the moari people used for war. Then if you finished the 6 question Matua Ngarimu and Matua Kingi  

Would give you 4 more questions to look for to add with your 6 questions you already had. When you finished all of the 10 questions Matua Ngarimu and Matua Kingi  would ask us about the 10 questions.After that  Matua Ngarimu and Matua Kingi were asking us questions  about the treaty o waitangi.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 LI: Be cybersmart and use out device to learn, create and share

For this cybersmart challenge I did a fill in the blanks task to see how well I know how to take care of my chrome book with the Kawa of Care. This challenge was to see how well I know my chrome book like the shortcuts to it and what I have to do to make sure it is safe. Chrome book 1 and Chrome book 2 were the fill in the blanks tasks and the one with the image of me in the middle was a responsibility use agreement to agree that I would take care of my chrome book. Something I found interesting was that there are lots of shortcuts to do on your chrome book to make you get onto something quickly

Why it is important to be hydrated?

 LI: To understand why staying hydrated is important for our health and learning.

After defining hydration and dehydration we worked collaboratively to use our smart searching skills to help us find facts that would teach others why it is important for our health and learning. One fact I learnt about staying hydrated and dehydrated is that when your dehydrated your lungs get dried up but when you drink water it makes your lungs go back to normal and that means your hydrated. Something I found interesting is that when your urine is dark that means you haven't drank enough water but when its light it means you've drank loads of water which is good.

The Qualities of a Good Leader

 LI: To unpack what leadership looks like.

This week LS2 where learning about what is a Leadership. After defining the words team, leader, role model and responsibility we worked together to share our thinking and co-constructed a 25 word paragraph that defined leadership. I liked how me and my group worked together to do this DLO and how we learned knew things about a leader that we didn't know before.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Pie Chart

 LI:To plan and carry out statistical investigation 

Today me and Heavenly made a pie chart. Me and Afa made a chart of LS2's favourite colours. The colours that were chosen were Red, Blue, Black, Purple, Bby-blue, Green, Pink and Peach but Blue and Black had the most votes. As me and Afa were going around we both predicted Blue because we were one of the people that chose that colour as well. Me and Afa really enjoyed making this pie chart because we learnt a lot about what LS2's favourite colours are

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Summary of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about

Today for reading my group and I were reading about the treaty of Waitangi and we used a dice to help us create questions about the Treaty of Waitangi after that we made a summary about the treaty of waitangi. The treaty of Waitangi is a day of celebration to remember a historical day of peace; where the treaty was signed by many chiefs. Today we worked collaboratively in our groups, to summarise and learn about the history of the Treaty of Waitangi. In this activity we got to learn more about the Treaty of Waitangi and about why it was signed by many chiefs so New Zealand could be a part of the British Empire. One fact that I found interesting was how the treaty was split into 3 parts.